News & Updates

Codename: Tiger

arriving late to SoonerCon 2024, June 21

Due to emergency circumstances, Agent Tiger won't be arriving at Soonercon until later this afternoon. But, you can still enjoy tne the conventiom convention and read our comic!

If you have any suggestions, you can email our new systems administrator, Agent Tiger, at [email protected].



June 19, 2023

Virtual Pals: Ultra Cute Pets is currently unavailable

Due to "circumstances with Unity Technology", Virtual Pals: Ultra Cute Pets is currently unavailable for download on Google Play. We are working to get this issue resolved as soon as possible.

If you have any suggestions or want to air your grievances on this matter, you can email our administrator at [email protected].

Until next time- keep a lookout, agents!


Creator & System Admin

June 19, 2023

New App!

First, Codename: Tiger is now available as an app on Google Play! 

Second, I apologize for the delays in publishing Volume 2 of Codename: Tiger. My family has been going through some serious health issues. 

If you have any suggestions or want to air your grievances on this matter, you can email our administrator at [email protected].

Until next time- keep a lookout, agents!


Creator & System Admin

April 9, 2023

Volume 2 is here?

Volume 2 has just started! Remember to stop by our Discord community to show your support!

New comics will be published weekly and bi-weekly!

If you have any suggestions or want to air your grievances on this matter, you can email our administrator at [email protected].

Until next time- keep a lookout, agents!


Creator & System Admin

April 9, 2023

New App and Censorship

We have just released Virtual Pals, a new pet game, on Google Play for Android! Get it quick before Google runs out of copies!

In other news, you've probably noticed-- uh oh-- a pretty significant delay in Codename: Tiger strip publication. Unfortunately, our website has been hit by corporate censorship. The boss told our administrators "Hey, you know all those [redacted] jokes? Yeah, those. Take 'em offline." We had no idea what jokes the boss was talking about, so we told the administrator to just take a hack-it wrench to the whole thing. It took him quite a bit of time to achieve, but he did it. A few people are really angry about it, too, so that we don't have to be angry about it.

If you have any suggestions or want to air your grievances on this matter, you can email our administrator at [email protected].

Until next time- keep a lookout, agents!


Creator & System Admin

November 7, 2022

If anyone needs a dresser table set, let us know.

Our system admin has a really nice dresser set he's trying to get rid of, supposedly. It might be free but you should definitely ask.

You can reach him at [email protected].

As always, keep a lookout, agents!


Creator & System Admin

August 12, 2022

We're posting new comics on Saturdays & Sundays!

Thanks for checking out! We're posting new comics every Saturday & Sunday! But wait- that's not all!

We're posting NEWER new comics every Monday in the Patrons only section. You can find this area on the sidebar, or below the comic on mobile! Once you are a patron, you'll have access to all the content in the area!

Keep a lookout, agents!


Creator & System Admin

April 4, 2022 is now on-line!

First off, new comics are posted on weekends. Check back during the week, however, because sometimes we post a BONUS comic.

After being verbally harangued for several days, the system administrator of has finally finished programming the web server. We were very upset with them, actually, due to how much they seemed to be slacking off and how apparently incompetent they were at basic system administration tasks. Honestly, they probably don't even know what the "sudo" command does in a linux terminal, or what a headless server is. At any rate, they finally did their job and now you can read our comics on-line! No more shady grocery-store circular publishing for us!


Creator & System Admin

March 22, 2022

If you know anyone who wants to buy a shelf, let us know

Something big is coming on! Unfortunately, to make room for it, we can only post new comics every Saturday for the time being.

We apologize. If the inconvenience bothers you, complain to our system administrator.

As always, keep a lookout, agents!


Creator & System Admin

April 4, 2022

Comic is on hiatus due to covid-19

Our system admin gave me covid-19.

You can reach him at [email protected].

Until we have defeated this infection, we will be on a short hiatus. Keep a lookout, agents!


Creator & System Admin

April 23, 2022

Big updates!

Summer break is over! While the kids are headed back to school, Codename: Tiger has some BIG updates headed your way! So stay tuned!

If you have any questions, you can reach our admin at [email protected]. He's not supposed to spoil the upcoming plot, however, so don't get him in trouble!

Until next time- keep a lookout, agents!


Creator & System Admin

April 23, 2022